我们的 Bond 多用途公文包是唯一可容纳 16 英寸笔记本电脑的包。我们的 padfolio 和 Messenger 最多可容纳 14 英寸笔记本电脑。
我们对我们的产品提供 1 年保修。请参考我们的保修和退货页面了解更多详情。
是的,我们向世界各地运送 - 您可以参考我们的运送页面了解最新动态。
We offer up to four font sizes- XS, S, M, and L.
The font sizes available vary by product; on some products you can choose your size, while on others our product and monogram teams have carefully pre-selected a size for you. Please Note: Personalized items cannot be exchanged or returned.
We offer two font sizes in Hand Paint: Large and Small.
Depending on product size, some products will only be available in one paint size. Monogram letters will be painted in the order you enter. Please note that each letter is painted by hand and can vary slightly in size and placement.
We offer blind (no color) and multiple foil color deboss options. The deboss colors available vary by style, and our full range is pictured below.